Old Informal Upright Pinus Radiata

Old Informal Upright Pinus Radiata

Before any work

This is a radiata pine that i have in my collection for the last 12 years. it had been styled twice during that time, only minor works, trying to keep it looking “full and finished”.

However, i felt it was time to set the branch structures correct once and for all. there were a lot of big, thick branches that needed to be removed and replaced with thinner branches with buds closer to the trunk.

Here is a video showing how the buds and needles are thinned out.

Having the old needles thinned out

Two bottom branches wired into positions

Two third of the way up

Big ugly lump in the original apex resulting from not removing bar branches

Off it came

Finished for now.

I had to think long and hard whether to remove to existing apex or not. but in the end it was a decision i had to make.

It looked a bit silly now with a little twig as the apex of the tree. but i’d expect in the next 2-3 years it will catch up with enough ramifications to make the tree look mature.